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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Athletes as Idols?

Sports figures all of the world are cast as idols from the very beginning. They have to be. So many people look up to them. What people do not understand is that they are real people and no different than a regular person. What we should all know is that athletes should not be anybody's idol.

Why is somebody your idol? Because you believe what they believe and they have pushed an issue that you believe in or did something special that makes you feel good and makes you believe you can act on that certain something. A idol is not somebody that puts on a uniform and beats a team.

You may idolized that person but you truely never know what that person stands for unless you know him or her personally.

An idol doesn't become a hero simply because he takes a stand against the villain but he becomes a hero because he stands for something. You may think this certain "idol" has success but success is not something that somebody can just say you achieved or even do it for you, success comes from inside you and it is who you are made of.

So idols and heroes may not help you reach your dreams, they may, but usually it's you. That is why you must be careful with who you look up to and who is your idol.

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